About Breathwork

While we breathe thousands of times per day without thinking about it, the way we breathe and where breath moves in our body has direct impacts on functional physiology and especially on the state of activation or relaxation, governed mainly by the nervous system.

How our Breath impacts the way we live

Clinical Breathwork is one of the most powerful modalities for creating balance and harmony in all systems of the body. This modality helps restore equilibrium between the body, mind, emotions and Spirit.

Our subconsious breathing pattern impacts the nervous system, which in turn impacts our endocrine system, changing our blood chemistry. Our breathing changes our blood chemistry, and our blood chemistry changes our organ function, focus, clarity and thought processes. 

Breathing changes thinking.

Our inhale increases our energy levels, and activates more awakeness.
Our exhale relaxes our whole body, and downshifts our glands.
The balance of the inhale to the exhale is the answer to balance in life.

The movement of breath into the lower areas of the abdomen will have an impact on digestion, and nutrient uptake form food. If there is no breath moving into the lower areas, then digestion can be slow and stagnant.

Our breathing rythm has an impact on our heart rate variability, which has been proven to be a key indicator to stress and anxiety.
Creating more flow of breath through this heart space improves HRV and our capacity to live from a space of love.

Breathwork provides an opportunity for unprocessed emotions to surface and be released. It is a gateway into the subconscious mind.

Breathing is the foundation of all Spiritual practices and can provide greater clarity, insight and understanding in life.

How we breathe is how we live.

Breathwork Byron

Breathwork Byron emerged as a sister company to the flagship training centre, Breathwork Bali
with a shared vision of promoting grounded, safe & professional healing & transformation through the power of breathwork. Founded on the principles of Breath Mechanics and Nervous System Balancing.

Our vision is to weave into being, a premier Breathwork Practitioner Network in Australia, offering a unique transformative approach to the practice of breathwork, underpinned by safety, grounding, balance, ritual and a rigorous scientific approach.

Our Approach to Breathwork

Facilitated Breath Repatterning

FBR is a pioneering approach to breathwork, designed to bolster human capacity and resilience. Clients will be guided to let go of using their minds to control their breath through a facilitated focus on where breath is or can flow in the body, and where it is restricted, by using technical bodywork, movement, and verbal cues. 

By reaching a state in which one is both consciously aware and subconsciously breathing, the facilitator assists the client in allowing the body to experience different breath patterns. These patterns are thought to be linked to specific emotions and events, and the act of processing what the body yields in an FBR session can result in new realizations and insights which may change the way a client goes about daily life.

Breath & The Nervous System

Breath is one of the first things to respond to a change in our external environment (whether it's a predator, or someone dear to us walks into the room) as well as to changes within our internal environment (physical activity, deep sleep or rest, digestion, etc.). In a resilient and dynamic state of being, both our breath and the activation in our system adapts in an appropriate response to these environments: we want our body to be capable of breathing dynamically rather than being stuck in restricted patterns or regularly over-breathing.

Patterns & Habits

The nervous system and brain love patterns and habits, they are designed to conserve energy wherever possible. Based on a variety of experiences in life, our body develops habituated breath patterns. Our breath can have a fast and direct impact on the state of our nervous system (level of activation vs. relaxation/calm). If we are habituated to certain breath patterns for most of our day (and life), our nervous system will also be operating in a related state for most of our day (and life).

What are the benefits of Facilitated Breath Repatterning?:

Embodiment - our ability to feel connected with our body and become familiar and confident in accessing different states of being. 

Conscious awareness - our ability to feel and observe our emotions, reactions, and the world around us. Being alive in the moment.

Capacity - our ability to stay present and aware through discomforting experiences & various emotional states.

Dynamism - our system’s ability to change states (balance of activation and relaxation) to appropriately meet our environment and circumstances.

Balance - the ability and ease with which our nervous system can (appropriately) go into activation and relaxation, both integral for our health and well-being.

Overall health - improving functional breath mechanics which has a ripple effect in the physiological function of many systems in the body, ultimately supporting resilience and longevity.

Clarity & Creativity - finding clear answers to questions we might have, imagining new path forward and finding creativity in our life.